There’s something about weddings that always melts your heart. My sister cries at every wedding. Even if she doesn’t know the people. I can’t say that I feel that way about all weddings… but you usually know the couple pretty well and it’s interesting how each wedding takes on a distinct personality – reflective of the couple. Well, a few weekends ago, Carter was the ring bearer in the wedding of our former babysitter and her fiance. Stephanie actually lived with us this whole summer since she graduated from Butler. Jim helped her find an internship that led to a full time job and since she’s from Cincinnati we offered her a place to stay before she and Justin got married. It’s been really fun to watch them go from dating to engaged and then up to their eyeballs in wedding planning, registering, showers, etc… It brings back so many memories. I was a senior at Butler when Jim and I were engaged and Jim was the same age as her finance. They’re a bright young couple with so many fun times ahead of them. We were pleased to be able to help her out a little and in turn we totally appreciated her babysitting services for the past 5 months. I miss the little “beep beep” of hearing her walk in the door super late each night…. gives me a glimpse into how her parents must be feeling.

Studly Carter
Carter & Sloane – we caught them just hanging out like this…
Carter carried the rings in a little bird’s nest
They made a John Deere picture frame for him telling people how they knew him. They called it “Meet the Maids” and “Meet the Men” It told the story of him helping change Stephanie’s tire and they asked him to do the important job of delivering the rings down the aisle. That he’s a big helper and was up to the task.
He was quite proud!
Pointing out all the details of the frame
Kiefer was fascinated by the musicians and while everyone else took pictures he found himself a front row seat for a live concert.
Too sweet!
Then Griffin joined him. There’s something about live music that’s captivating!
Carter & Justin minutes before the “big moment”
The rest of the Jay family sitting while we wait. (This was the calm before the storm for Griffin)
Here they come…
A slight smurk of pride
Watching to make sure Sloane makes it down the steps ok
I love this moment! Their sweet little faces. So focused on the dropping flowers. Carter holding carefully to the string that holds the ring in the nest cupped in his little five year old hands (five and a half I hear him say!)
All eyes are on them…. check out the mother of the bride over the shoulder of the photographer…
Now she’s really crying! Soooo sweet!
Just so you can see the other big moment…the beautiful bride, Stephanie.
A beautiful open aired church!
Me and my younger boyz on the steps during the reception. Fletcher is in the baby seat in the room behind us…
Mr. & Mrs. Kime!
Carter earned a new tractor from the groom for his job well done!
Hanging with the bride and groom at the head table
Mommy & Carter… So proud of him… he’s like, “Oh, Mom… it’s no big deal.” 🙂
Me & Stephanie. KAO’s I always tell her I’m her in 15 years. (Oh, and brunette…)
Picture perfect ending! Or just the beginning for them…
But all their time invested in wedding planning paid off! It was a beautiful wedding! They had so many special touches in the decorations, the tribute to their wedding party, even the venue selection being outside under the canopy of fall leaves because they love fall. It was gorgeous! It made me wish we would have done so many special touches… but that wasn’t really the thing back when we got married. We didn’t have a ring bearer or flower girl either.
In fact, I’ve never really understood why people have little children in their weddings until theirs. I was actually a flower girl once when I was 8 and my cousin Brad was supposed to be the ring bearer. He freaked out at the end of the aisle and refused to walk down in front of everyone. Ever since then my mother’s mantra has been “you don’t have children in a wedding…” so we didn’t when we got married. (Plus, we didn’t really know anyone that age at the time.) But Stephanie asked long ago and I made sure she was sure she really wanted him in the wedding… she insisted that she did.
And you know what? He and the flower girl stole the show! They really did! She was a beautiful blonde little girl and Carter looked so handsome in the tie, suspenders and cap they got for him to wear! He matched what the groom was wearing and she matched the bride. And as I watched with pride and tears welling up in my eyes as Carter walked down the aisle with Sloane I couldn’t help but notice the mother of the bride’s tears. She was crying, I think, looking at that little girl and realizing how quickly her daughter had grown up. I was crying realizing how quickly my little boy is growing up and I know it will only seem like a blink in time before I’m sitting up front as the mother of the groom watching my sons get married!
It was a beautiful, touching, personal, Christ-centered ceremony. The minister talked about her love story starting long ago when Stephanie fell in love with Jesus. Then later, fell in love with Justin. Then he talked about how no one wants to read a boring novel. They want the story book romance. The happy ending… that they’re just beginning their story together and to make it a good read.
I couldn’t help but reflect on my own marriage. What a good story it’s been so far… and continues to grow richer, deeper. I have often said that I remember on my wedding day feeling like I couldn’t love Jim any more than I did on that day. Boy was I wrong! It just keeps getting better. Too bad he missed the whole wedding because he was tending to a screaming Griffin in the back room and ultimately in the parking lot. I was a reader in the wedding, so I couldn’t step out. I had to had Fletcher off to the sweet girl sitting behind me when it was time for me to go up front. It all worked out… and Carter and Kiefer were captivated.
Carter did the important task of delivering the rings with style, grace and confidence. I think it’s just the beginning for that kid! The week after the wedding he came home one day and told me he had asked Claudia, the girl at the bus stop, if she would marry him. She said she’d think about it when she was in college. (Good answer!) But I think he thought the whole idea looked like something fun he’d like to do. Hopefully we have a few years left!
A link to their wedding pictures: