Snow Day! What do you do when it’s 3 degrees out?

We got 4″ of new snow through the night on Sunday so school was cancelled on Monday.  After such a busy weekend, we needed the down time!  The boyz stayed in their jammies through lunch and we curled up on the couch and read a stack of Christmas stories.  Then we attempted to make gingerbread houses.  The icing from the box was literally like glue and the little candies and toppings delightfully stuck to every surface they touched – mostly six little hands, the floor, the chairs…
This was a precursor to the gingerbread making at Carter’s school on Tuesday.  I was quite impressed with how orderly and focused the 24 kindergartners were compared to my crew.  At school there weren’t any messes, just a few stray candy cane wrappers on the floor mostly because of static electricity.  Our house – different story!  But it was fun to attempt it anyhow.  Maybe they’ll remember that we did a fun Christmas craft activity and they won’t remember that I sequestered them to the sunroom afterwards while I swept the newly mopped floors for a good 20 minutes. (and yelled at them when they tried to drive their tractors through the kitchen)  (Next time I’ll remember to do this activity first and THEN mop the floors – what was I thinking?!)  What else do you do when it’s 3 degrees out!!??
They’re saying “Snow Day!”  (the one in the middle was grumpy!)

Too cute!  Don’t miss Kiefer’s Santa socks!

We’re hearing lots of questions about Santa – “How does he come down the chimney?” Then expert Kindergartener Carter says, “He doesn’t, at our house he uses the door…”

The pile of books!  Fun Christmas memories, for me at least!

They’re eager to make the gingerbread houses! (Carter has now confiscated the box and is storing toys in it from his stocking at Nana’s!)  (Notice Kiefer’s mismatched Jammies – 1/2 Buzz Lightyear, 1/2 Spiderman)

Griffin loved the icing…

Fletcher enjoyed his chew toy and watching the circus (as Dr. Leland calls it)

Kiefer’s finished product. (Note all the little balls all over countertops!  They were EVERYWHERE!) But for that smile, it was worth it!

Carter did 2 houses. (“Actually, Mom, I did three.”) Because he did one at school

His first house…

Little hands working…

Griffin having fun

Griffin kept trying to eat Kiefer’s (can you see all those little icing balls??)

Griffin taking a bite out of his! 🙂

The gingerbread neighborhood.  Martha Stewart doesn’t live here.

Christmas Cookies with a Crowd

Just a tip.  When you’re baking Christmas cookies with 16 people in your kitchen it’s best not to do math in your head!  I meant to double my recipe for candy cane cookies.  Instead, I quadrupled the amount of crisco and only doubled the amount of everything else. When it was all mixed, it was good, but didn’t taste right… it was “fluffy”.  Then I had to wrack my brain to figure out what I had done wrong.  I had lots of help trying to fix it… “helping” me count the cups of flour and other helpful tips.  But we figured it out and corrected it. Only by then, everyone was over cookie making so we had to finish the candy cane cookies later.  It was fun having everyone over. And I never knew how helpful it would be to have so many hands to help clean up afterwards.  Usually it’s just me.

Here are the highlights:
Jay helping Griffin sprinkle sugar onto cookie

The Boyz & big Boyz at work

It takes a lot of chefs in this kitchen!

Alan helping Griffin

Jay hard at work

Carter & Kiefer

Griffin ate everything he made

Isn’t that why we’re doing all this? YUM!

Alan thought Griffin had the right idea

This is pretty much how it went all morning!

Make one, eat one

Finger licking good!

We even got Leah to smile!

Alexa had an easier time following her recipe than I did

The mess

The final product

Jim helping reduce the mess

We kept making a bigger mess

Lots of hands to help hold babies!

Noah & Griffin testing the final product

Griffin enjoyed the bowl of sugar we dipped the peanut butter cookies in…he was completely sugar coated in the end!

See… couldn’t keep him out of the bowl!

Erika & Noah

The work crew

The clean up crew hard at work! 🙂

Fletcher enjoyed the multi-tasking

Noah enjoyed the fruits of his labor

Hannah working hard

Jay helping Hannah

Noah found a few other things to do

The three little piggy banks ate ALL these cookies! Or something like that…

To go boxes of cookies

After a sugar filled breakfast we fed the younger set some lunch

Say “Sugar!”


Fletcher bouncing himself in his bouncy seat

Candy cane cookie assembly on Sunday

Works of art

working hard

Griffin enjoying his breakfast

Fletcher is always right in the mix

First Snow

I don’t know many other families who all call each other the morning after a snowfall.  But in my family, we all do!  “Isn’t it preeeettttyyyy??” we all sing to each other.  There’s something magical about the quiet hush of a fresh snowfall… especially in the month of December.  Fortunately, we’ve already had several inches and with the cold temperatures we’ve been having, looks like we’re guaranteed a White Christmas.

After playing outside we always warm up with a cup of hot cocoa

preferably served in the Santa mugs with festive straws

Kiefer dressed himself to go outside and play

Note direction feet are headed

watching the snowfall in jammies

The next best thing to sledding is an indoor picnic.  This one took place under the kitchen table

picnic fare, packed by Carter, included popcorn, apples, grapes and milk

We couldn’t wait till it stopped snowing so we ventured out during!

Almost a complete family picture but Fletcher was inside napping and staying warm

The Boyz and Daddy-o having a snowball fight

Carter made the best snowball of all!  He turned this one into a snowman, but later was sad when his snowman slipped sideways

Kiefer soooo busy!

They work in snow too!

Festive freshly fallen snow on holly bushes

Deck the Halls

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here.  The boyz were itching to put up the Christmas decorations and the day after Thanksgiving there was more than one little voice that said, “Today is Christmas!” I think what they meant was today we’re putting up the Christmas tree. After they eventually beat us down, Jim lugged the Christmas tree box upstairs and the boyz followed carrying boxes of Christmases past.  Holding them back is like trying to reign in a freight train!  They were determined to decorate and that’s an understatement!  We uncovered their individual trees and child-friendly ornaments so those were the first assembled and quickly whisked to their rooms.  Then Daddy-O wasn’t moving fast enough so our little elves “helped” assemble the tree.  Kiefer, who knows the letter “K”, was helping identify which tree branch went into which slot alphabetically. Eventually the branches were in, the “star of Bethlehem” adorned on top and then Daddy-O left the room leaving me and my elves to do the rest of the decorating.  

I vividly remember when I was a little girl my mom had an enormous box of all the Christmas ornaments each individually cloistered in nest of tissue paper and she would hand out ornaments one by one and we would delicately place them on a tree branch and take turns coming back for more hearing the history or significance behind each ornament.  At least that’s how I remember it.  So I, too, now nestle all my ornaments in one gigantic box each individually wrapped in tissue, most labeled with the dates from trips or when we acquired each ornament.  Several are from my childhood, gifts from Grammy, relics from ski trips, birthday presents from kindergarten classmates of mine… others are from our trips – fragile hand painted eggs from Prague, an Eiffel tower from Paris, a Venetian straw hat, a hiking boot from Heidelburgh, a wooden fish from Kauai, a hand carved nativity scene in olive wood from Jerusalem.  I don’t’ buy many souvenirs when we travel, but I have tried to pick up a Christmas ornament or two along the way.  And the ones I hold most dear are the hand prints and footprints of each of my babies on their first Christmases.  So handing these treasures over to well-intentioned, overzealous, sometimes reckless four and five year olds is like handing your best china over to a baboon.  But at the same time, these are what memories are made of.  I’m trying not to crush their spirits as I try to help them not crush my momentos.  I kept hearing myself saying, “This one needs to go up high, I’ll get this one” or “Here, you can hang this one any where you like…”  This was how we navigated through. (And I think it went better than last year!)   When we were done, the tree looked… interesting.   Kiefer hung every ornament I handed him on the same two branches. Carter hung most of his on the very back of the tree that faces the wall.  Griffin, thankfully was napping through it all.  I told Jim under my breath that I’d fix it later and complimented everyone on a job well done as we poured some hot chocolate to celebrate.
Now, each day I get to redecorate and fix the tree.  I’d forgotten the joys of Christmas with a two year old in the house.  In fact, I was thinking, since entering the realms of motherhood, I’ve yet to have a Christmas when the tree wasn’t being attacked by some little person.  Five years of tree wrecking and at least two more in our future. (No, I’m not expecting another baby -just anticipating that Fletcher will follow suit.)  They each have their own signature approach to tree trimming, as we’ll call it. Carter used to climb under the tree to gaze up at the lights. I can picture him helping me decorate and missing every branch and having a pile of ornaments scattered all over the floor.  Kiefer, my most oral child to date, would put everything in his mouth and attempt to digest the ornaments -especially those resembling candy canes! And Griffin’s signature is quite -well, alarming!  I think he misinterpreted “Deck the Halls” to mean, “Duck, take cover, here he comes to throw something else at the tree!”  He literally has been throwing things into the tree!  First a ball, then a tractor or two, or five!! I literally pulled FIVE tractors out of the tree!  FIVE!  I had to take the suction cup ball away from him because it was stuck to our family picture that’s framed in the family room.  And the little “Let it snow” pillow that we brought out of the Christmas box was just too heavy for him to be throwing around, so it got relocated to spread a little holiday cheer in Jim’s office.  He doesn’t understand why I’m keeping Christmas cards in a basket in the hallway and he keeps delivering them air mail down the basement steps. Today, he picked up the kid-friendly Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus and towed them around in his trash truck.  Yesterday, I found Baby Jesus stuck on the washing machine with the magnetic back.  I couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that baby Jesus was washing all our sins away!  I think I might keep him there all year!  I keep trying to laugh and take to heart as a sign in my newly redecorated sunroom that reads: “Believe in the magic of Christmas”
The Boyz decorating

Decor`ator Carter

Digging through the kid ornaments

Kiefer decorating his tree

The boxes of Christmases Past

The little elves “helping” Daddy-O

These are Letter K

Carter helping with tree assembly

Getting it just right

Kiefer digging through the gigantic box of ornaments “What else is in here?” “I can hang this one!”

The start of Kiefer’s collection

Me hanging some fragile ones up high and look at Carter running with an ornament in his mouth!!

Kiefer helping

After it was all decorated they hid underneath the tree and read Christmas stories (Kiefer snuffing blankie)

Note the festive sock choice

Kiefer’s ornaments

My favorite footprint ornaments we made…time to make one for Fletcher’s first Christmas

Griffin’s air mail delivery of Christmas cards

Griffin’s redecorating of our tree… note all the tractors scattered on the floor!



three tractors in the tree, four maids a milking and five golden rings!

Keep believing & keep breathing!

New Sitter

We had a new babysitter come over tonight.  Our old babysitter got married. I’m not sure the new one will ever come back.  As I mentioned to her as I was shoving money in her hand that “They had their A game on for her tonight.”  Boyz jumping off furniture, jumping on beds, fighting over Christmas ornaments to the point of tears, Griffin riding on Carter’s back like a horse one minute and then slamming Carter in the back with the talking Woody doll another minute were some of the highlights of her initiation.  And that was all while we were still home!  She told me after we left that Fletcher woke up so all the boyz came running down to his room to try everything to help put him back to sleep – turning on music, his mobile, even the light up turtle. She said, ‘They were very helpful!” (yeah, right!)  She said they really didn’t want to go to bed so she read them a bunch of stories and that eventually Griffin fell asleep on the floor so she put him in bed. (only later did I realize that meant in BED not his CRIB!)  We’ll see how that plays out in the morning.  And just when the poor girl finally got to sit on the couch, watch TV, text her friends and earn her money then Carter woke up in a daze and must have been sleep walking through the kitchen screaming because he couldn’t find us.  She called me as we were driving home because he was so upset he wanted to talk to me.  A game alright. I can’t imagine why she would ever want to come back! 

Heap Big Smoke…

When I was growing up, TJ would always sing silly songs.  One that comes to mind is “Heap Big Smoke but no fire.  Him make big smoke, him make a lot of smoke, him big smoke.”

Carter came home school on Tuesday before Thanksgiving wearing an Indian head dress and a matching vest cut out of a brown paper shopping bag telling of tales of a Kindergarten feast of lemonade, grapes, apple slices, cheese sticks and other traditional Thanksgiving fare.  (Actually, I didn’t glean all these details from him, but we were all asked to supply items from a list so I saw the menu in advance.)  And his wonderful teacher sent out pictures from the event so I could see a glimpse of what life must have been like when the Mayflower landed at Towne Meadow and the natives sat down to dine with the pilgrims.  ADORABLE!

But even cuter is the Indian name his teacher gave him – White Rapid.  She named all the guests… pilgrims and Indians alike.  But each name was befitting the recipient.  “Moon beam” for one little girl, “Sunshine” for another.  One little boy was “Red Eagle” but “White Rapid” completely suits Carter.  So much so that I’ve decided to rename all my children with Indian names.
White Rapid is third Indian boy from the right

All the guests at the Thanksgiving Feast – White Rapid is center of middle row

The Thanksgiving Feast – White Rapid is far left between two pilgrim girls

Here are the names submitted to the Indian chief pending approval:

Carter will henceforth be known as: White Rapid
Kiefer will henceforth be known as: Wild Feather
Griffin will henceforth be known as : Quiet Storm
Fletcher will henceforth be known as: Little Big Wind

Him make big smoke, him make a lot of smoke, him big smoke! 🙂  (I crack myself up!)

At the dinner table that evening, Carter & Kiefer both wore their Indian Head Dresses…

White Rapid & Wild Feather (with his head dress on backwards!!)

He looks like an Indian Chief, doesn’t he?

Peyton Manning was Sacked!

It was a great birthday for Kiefer!  We gave him a Colts helmet and uniform and he took it to school for show and tell and he’s worn it every single day since his birthday!  I think he really likes it.  I’m not sure when I’m going to get it away from him to wash it, but I guess the grass and dirt stains just make it more authentic.  And it was a disappointing loss for the Colts on Sunday, but on our couch our little Peyton Manning wanna be was Sacked out!! Here are the highlights…

When you’re sick on your birthday

There’s something about being sick that is always a bummer– you miss out on a nice day outside, don’t get to play, don’t get to see your friends that day.  But when you’re sick on your birthday, that’s just even tougher.  So when Kiefer had a 102 fever on his birthday, we tried to make the most of it!  When I was up with him at 4:30 a.m. and he was burning up and said he was hungry… we came downstairs in the quiet of the pre-dawn hours and we made a birthday pancake as big as a plate, complete with colored sprinkles applied by the birthday boy himself and featuring a lit candle.  Of course, he only ate one or two bites, but I got to sing to him first thing and celebrate when that sweet boy came into our lives.  Happy Birthday, Kiefer!  And for Kiefer, he had a great day!  He got to lay around all day and watch movies and suck his thumb and snuff his blankie…  is there a better way to celebrate?

Wired to work

Carter and Kiefer are wired to work!  It’s very interesting to see.  When they’re outside playing in the yard, they’re always coming up with jobs or work they need to do.  They’ll build a new road in the mulch pile, hitch up a train to the truck, but yesterday they provided a new service. I overheard Carter saying, “We only offer this service in the fall…” and I had to run and grab my camera.  We have more pine trees in our backyard than poplar so we actually don’t get many leaves that fall, therefore, not many leaves to rake, which is fine with us.  But I think the boyz would prefer we had a few more, in fact, they were working to make sure we had a few more.  They got out the step ladders from the garage, connected themselves to the top rungs with bungee cords as their “Harnesses” and they raked leaves OUT of the tree! That’s when I heard Carter’s sales pitch.  They were offering a leaf falling service!

Not enough leaves on the ground? Speed up fall with our  leaf falling service (note safety harness!) 

“We only offer this service in the fall”

Safe & effective

When you gotta reach those tough to reach places, sometimes the only place to put your ladder is right in the middle of the bush!

Now moving onto the next job

The house needed “painting”

Those Jay Boyz get the job done right!

But when they tired of that, they moved on to “painting” the house with Jim’s roller brushes and buckets of water.  At the end of that job, Carter ran to me soaking wet and I was convinced he fell into his bucket, instead he had accidentally dropped the hose and it sprayed him! Occupational hazard.  Good thing it wasn’t an OSHA violation!

How is it possible?

How is it possible that my baby is already 5 months old?  I can’t believe how quickly time is passing!  It seems like just yesterday that we just brought him home from the hospital… that I was just pregnant not that long ago.  But that’s the thing about time. It passes whether we pay attention to what time it is or not!  It’s a good thing we don’t measure all our ages in months… Fletcher’s nearly a half-year.  Carter’s almost 72 months… I will be 456 months old soon!  That’s a lot of months.  Days add up to weeks, weeks, months and months pass all too quickly into years.  The choices we make today matter.  Am I living today to the fullest?  I’m certainly trying!  This blogging tool is just one way I’m trying to harness the moments and capture the memories before they fade away too quickly.  There’s so much more I want to do, desire to accomplish with my time… I seem to be doing the same things over and over again: laundry, dishes, cooking, cleaning, caring for children and their ever changing needs (or needing to be changed! (in more ways than one!))  But my prayer is and should be to do even these repetitive deeds with as much love and grace as possible.  Am I praying more today than I did yesterday? What is the fragrance of my love offering to my children?  And little you… how can it be that you’re five months old today? I feel I’ve just met you… and at the same time that I’ve known you much longer than just five months.  We’ve been through a lot together already.  I can’t imagine my life without you! How blessed am I to have four new smiles in my life?  What a huge responsibility I’ve been entrusted with.  This is the most important job I’ll ever have. I want to do better than my best.  Love beyond my limits.  To the moon and back.  The only way that’s possible is with the grace and gifts given from above.

I just love little baby feet!

And the way a happy baby puts his feet up in the air!  Just hanging out!

He’s already a devoted thumb-sucker!  And I love how he’s figured out how to smile with the thumb still in!

Soooo sweet!

They don’t stay little long… especially my babies!  Such a big guy!!