I’m a Magician!

So it’s been a busy week.  It’s nearing the end of the school year, which I’ve learned means you need to clear your calendar because there’s always last minute events, ceremonies, celebrations and activities that creep up at the last minute. And, well, I do this to myself -I’m head room mom for my Kindergartener’s class and I was in charge of teacher appreciation week last week.  What a week it was! She’s an amazing teacher and this is the second time we’ve had her and I wanted to go all out for a teacher who goes all out for our kiddos!  So, well… I did.  We had a week full of surprises, special gifts, hand made crafts- made by me, and even a “You Rock” themed dance party complete with disco lights, laser lights and a fog machine!  I started early and chipped away at these gifts and crafts for about a month leading up to Teacher Week, but when the week arrived, it was (fortunately?) a week that Daddy-O was traveling, so the state of our house was as harried as my mental state. I not only had to do the normal weekly school routine of getting four little ones up, dressed, fed, lunches packed, shoes tied, teeth brushed and scramble out the door to catch the bus – which comes earlier and earlier on any given day! BUT, I also had to create, wrap, assemble, all these gifts PLUS diaper, feed and cajole two screaming, fighting, kicking preschoolers, who normally enjoy a leisurely bowl of cereal while in their P.J.‘s, I had to chase them down, dress them and lock them into their car seats to race over to school to hand deliver these said gifts.  Needless to say – it’s been a crazy week.  Well, here’s a glimpse… this is the state of my kitchen on morning when we were racing over to school.  Pj’s on the floor where I had stripped and redressed my clothing resistant children, cereal boxes still out on the countertops, etc., etc.  It took all day, but I finally got the kitchen cleaned up again. I took a picture to show the before and after.  Later, I told Daddy-O that I took a picture of the clean counter tops, if just to document that they were clean for a split second. He joked that I should frame a picture of them cleaned and leave it on the countertop! HA! I like to think that I’m a magician that I can just snap my fingers and presto change-o it’s clean. Wouldn’t that be nice?
Well, at least it was an awesome week for our teacher. I need to find a way to make it up to my kids!  Maybe a magic show?
Kitchen Island – BEFORE – or should I say, DURING!? Teacher Week
Well-a! Kitchen Island After a little Mommy Magic! (more like a lot!) To be framed for future reference that this countertop was once actually cleaned!

 Here’s a look at a few of the gifts we gave our teacher…

Monogrammed jewelry box I made for our teacher
Inside pictures of each student glued to rocks – “YOU ROCK!”

Her classroom with the dance lights going to surprise her first thing in the morning

Lights going on the ceiling!!

A hand made crayon wreath – more Mommy Magic! 🙂
(With my magic wand, my glue gun!)

More Magic- paper flower bouquet! Too cute!

A Giving Tree over flowing with Gift Cards! Gotta love Pinterest!

In Two Seconds Time…

It doesn’t take long for a two year old to make a mess… I’ve known that for quite a while now.  But usually when they’re harnessed in their car seats, it’s more challenging for them to be destructive. More challenging, but not impossible.  

The other day we were grocery shopping and I bought a roll of wrapping paper to wrap a gift for my mom for Mother’s Day. Extra credit for advance planning.  However…  in an effort to entertain Fletcher while I was loading the groceries in the back of the car, I gave him the roll of wrapping paper to entertain himself. Thinking, “What harm can he do? It’s wrapped in celophane and there’s no one else in the car for him to beat up on.”  Silly Mommy.  Why am I always surprised?  I came back to get in the car and this was what I found:
“I made a tunnel, Mommy!” he says, with a huge smile on his face.  Oh well, it was only wrapping paper. I laughed and said, “Yes you did!”