
The joys of summer!  No schedule!  No homework! Freedom!  We’re taking full advantage.  Here’s a glimpse:

Summer is about choosing your own clothes to wear.
Running around in your jammies half the day.
Doing puzzles.
Planting a garden.
Being creative.
Reading a whole book in a day.
Swimming in the pool.
Trying to catch a chipmunk with fresh strawberry tops from breakfast.
Chasing flies around the house because the door’s been open too long.
Nighttime swims instead of baths.
Popcicles through the window of “Bub’s ice cream shop”
Spending the day watching construction across the street.
Staying up late reading with a headlight on your head.

“Bub’s ice cream shop” popcicle treats!

Say summer!!

Kiefer enjoys picking out his own outfits (multiple times a day!)

Griffin’s still in his jammies


Fletcher enjoying the lid to a puzzle

Kiefer being Kiefer 🙂

Fletcher experiencing what the grass feels like!

popcicle treats

And the drips they make!!

Good thing we’re in swim suits you can just go jump in to wash off!

Helping Daddy-o with a fix it project

What great helpers!!

A perfect summer day

Fletcher enjoying his first ear of corn!

Carter & Kiefer on a “Fly Hunt” wearing headlamps in their jammies with flyswatters ready to fire!

Kiefer jumping off the diving board for the first time

“I liked it! I think I’ll do it again!” (and again…!)

Good way to get out of the sun and dream a little….

Best way to end the day!

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