Proud to be an American

Carter’s artwork for this week it says “Defending Freedom”
Carter’s school had a Veteran’s day program today and we took up a whole row with his fan club. Carter made all the calls and invited all his grandparents and he wanted to invite Mikail. Everyone gladly accepted and Mikail said he would plan to wear his dress blues uniform.  He looked fantastic! He even shaved his head for the occasion! The program completely exceeded my expectations.  It was quite a tribute to the men and women who have fought for our country’s freedoms and who have made the sacrifice to serve for our country.  I’m so glad that our children are learning about this!  I know I never did as a child!  There’s something about children’s voices singing in unison… the National Anthem, the Pledge of Allegiance… then each grade level shared some facts and sang the theme song of each division of the armed forces.  Carter’s class sang to the Navy… I’ve heard him practicing… “Anchors away my boys, anchors away…goodbye to college days…ships ahoy…”  but to hear them all together and see them marching and saluting.  It was precious!  They had any veterans or military personnel from each branch stand and allow the children to sing a tribute to them.  When it was the Marines, Mikail stood at attention.  So tall, so humble, so deserving of a parade in his honor for his SEVEN years of service!  Memories came flooding back to me of the day he enlisted. The tears I shed that day because the war had just started.  How he had to put school on hold to serve during the Katrina disaster and then again for the whole year last year when he was in Iraq and Afghanistan.  We’ve watched him grow up, from his seventh birthday party where we first met and roller skated together to dancing with him at our wedding. Seeing him make a straight face in his ROTC uniform in high school and then earning his Marine uniform coming back from bootcamp so skinny and looking much older than his enlistment photo.  To this mature man before us.  A Marine.  A decorated Marine.  SO thankful that his tour ended safely.  The prayers lifted up on his behalf.  Little voices remembering him during dinner and bedtime prayers and those random grocery store “I hope Mikail is ok” prayers.   The too few care packages we sent that reached him months later.  Imagining him in his tiny bunker. Seeing web video of his glamorous sleeping conditions and carrying the 80 lb bulletproof vest and 20 lb machine gun and I don’t even know how much amo weighs.  He’s a Marine.  He’s seen more darkness than I even know.  But still has such a tender heart and has won the affections of our children.    After the ceremony where I think all the grandfathers shed tears! (I know I did!)  And our hearts were swelling with American pride… then the Marine changed into combat clothes and single handedly took on the boyz for some man-to-man combat in the basement. He was talking to me today about his school plans and when he’s done about joining Big Brothers to serve as a Big… I told him later he’s serving in that role to our four boyz.   We love you Mikail!  Thanks for all you are to our family and all that you’ve done to serve our country!  We salute you!!  We’re so proud of you and the man you have become!  

our fan club saving seats

Mikail and Kiefer

The school children

Papa Dick stood as an Army veteran

A decorated Marine

Me & my Marine & Griffin, too

Who’s the Big Brother now?

Carter ran to the car to see Mikail

And gave him a HUGE hug!

He can’t help but stand tall & proud

He’s our hero!!

Carter & Mikail

Kiefer & Mikail

Man on man combat – a Marine vs. Superman

Balls were bouncing, kids were flying… it was war

Kiefer kept coming back for more… “Can you do that again?!”
Superman can fly!

Tickle wars!

A new one for the Top 10 list

“You don’t brush your baby brother’s teeth!”

This morning while I was attempting to get ready I put Fletcher down in his crib thinking it was the safest place for him and I finished doing my hair real quickly in my bathroom. When I got done my mother’s instinct radar kicked in and I went to go check on Fletcher and I caught Griffin climbing down from the chair he’d moved over to the crib and I see a few books he’d tossed into the crib and I notice that Fletcher’s face was all gummed up with drool… but so was his cheek, his hair, and his hood.  I see Griffin running away with his toothbrush and toothpaste in his hand…. “Griffin, did you brush the baby’s teeth?”  “No” he says as I see a blur of the back of his shirt.  I think in 2 year old logic and ask again, “Griffin, did you TRY to brush the baby’s teeth?” (because clearly, he doesn’t have any!) and Griffin turns around and looks at me and says “Yaaa” with a big smile.  I couldn’t help but laugh and was thankful it was the edible children’s toothpaste.  Another one for the history books!

A Jolly Holiday!

Some days you bump and stutter through the day and other days are days you bounce and float… today we floated and swept through the day!  Just a spoonful of sugar… made it a delightful day!
Here are the highlights…

 “Chim Chim a Roo!”  Chimney sweeps serenading Papa Tom

 Childhood is a “Step in time”

 Lucky Sweeps

 Serenading Nana

 Just blow me a kiss, and that’s lukkeey too

 Mary Poppins floated in to join the sweeps

 Supercalifragilisticexpeallidocious baby Fletcher & Mary Poppins

 Being Shy

 Tuckered out Super baby

 Even Jim got into the spirit of things, too!

 The Boyz helped me pack my bag, I had a makeup compact, tape measure, large silver spoon & their magic chimney sweep dust that made them real chimney sweeps  (Carter wanted me to put a lamp in my bag!)

 The road show continued … serenading Papa & Gigi

 Griffin was more interested in driving the tractor

 and digging out the dirt in Papas playpen – the back of his pick up truck

Good thing it didn’t matter if they got dirty!

 Kiefer did a little brick moving to make a chimney

 Kiefer at the neighborhood trick or treating

 The fire department told the boyz he’d hire them to help prevent chimney fires! 🙂

 In the neighborhood parade

 A friend from the neighborhood – she must be lucky to be surrounded by two sweeps!

 Carter excited about his loot!

Kiefer is too!  It was a Happy Halloween!!!