Heap Big Smoke…

When I was growing up, TJ would always sing silly songs.  One that comes to mind is “Heap Big Smoke but no fire.  Him make big smoke, him make a lot of smoke, him big smoke.”

Carter came home school on Tuesday before Thanksgiving wearing an Indian head dress and a matching vest cut out of a brown paper shopping bag telling of tales of a Kindergarten feast of lemonade, grapes, apple slices, cheese sticks and other traditional Thanksgiving fare.  (Actually, I didn’t glean all these details from him, but we were all asked to supply items from a list so I saw the menu in advance.)  And his wonderful teacher sent out pictures from the event so I could see a glimpse of what life must have been like when the Mayflower landed at Towne Meadow and the natives sat down to dine with the pilgrims.  ADORABLE!

But even cuter is the Indian name his teacher gave him – White Rapid.  She named all the guests… pilgrims and Indians alike.  But each name was befitting the recipient.  “Moon beam” for one little girl, “Sunshine” for another.  One little boy was “Red Eagle” but “White Rapid” completely suits Carter.  So much so that I’ve decided to rename all my children with Indian names.
White Rapid is third Indian boy from the right

All the guests at the Thanksgiving Feast – White Rapid is center of middle row

The Thanksgiving Feast – White Rapid is far left between two pilgrim girls

Here are the names submitted to the Indian chief pending approval:

Carter will henceforth be known as: White Rapid
Kiefer will henceforth be known as: Wild Feather
Griffin will henceforth be known as : Quiet Storm
Fletcher will henceforth be known as: Little Big Wind

Him make big smoke, him make a lot of smoke, him big smoke! 🙂  (I crack myself up!)

At the dinner table that evening, Carter & Kiefer both wore their Indian Head Dresses…

White Rapid & Wild Feather (with his head dress on backwards!!)

He looks like an Indian Chief, doesn’t he?

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